About Us

Who are we?

Formed by Central Otago locals, the Central Otago Resilience Trust seeks funding from Central Otago locals and businesses for the benefit of Central Otago locals.

Our Why

Hardship has a way of hiding behind closed doors. Even in Central Otago the harsh reality is our communities include individuals and families struggling as result of medical misfortunes.

Most display a remarkable degree of resilience, so much so their neighbours and even workmates have no idea how tough they’re doing it. Publicly funded health care, ACC payments and other welfare assistance do much to help, but it is unforeseen costs resulting from those medical misfortunes that can leave people wondering how they will fund bare necessities let alone those unforeseen medical costs.

The Central Otago Resilience Trust has been established to do just that. Quickly and efficiently verify the need and then provide assistance to those suffering financial hardship as a result of a medical condition, illness or disease in the Central Otago region.

Interested in applying for support or making a donation to help support our community? get in touch with us today.

Our Trustees

Formed by Central Otago locals, the Central Otago Resilience Trust seeks funding from Central Otago locals and businesses for the benefit of Central Otago locals.

The founding Trustees, Glen Christiansen, Derek Craig, Becky Ensor and John Cooper are
all community focused, selfless people always keen to pay it forward; a strong motivator for forming the Trust.

Becky Ensor


Glen Christiansen


Derek Craig


John Cooper​


Our Grants Approval Team

Meet our Grants Approval Team members who looks over all our funding applications we receive.

Jackie Hamilton

Jan Bean

Katrina Mitchell


Have a question about applications or funding?
Get in touch with us today.